The Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act of 1980 (“TOPA”), as amended, gives District of Columbia residential tenants the opportunity to purchase and a right of first refusal to match a third party contract when the owner of their rental accommodation sells, demolishes, or discontinues renting the unit. On April 10, 2018, the District of Columbia City Council amended this act to add several exemptions from coverage. With a few exceptions, single family rental units, single family rental units with an accessory dwelling unit, and single rental accommodation in a condominium, cooperative or homeowners’ association are now exempt from TOPA. However, the owner of an exempted unit is still required to give tenants notice within three calendar days of soliciting or receiving an offer of sale. The new law’s exceptions are for elderly and disabled tenants provided they signed a written lease agreement to occupy one of the units by March 31, 2018 and took occupancy by April 15, 2018. The amendments to the TOPA laws greatly enhances ownership resale opportunities for newly-exempted units without the delays and expenses that were otherwise encumbering their resale. Please contact Weiss LLP for further information.